
We look forward to meeting and collaborating with artists of diverse disciplines to converge, open a door, and paint/sculpt/record/make music together with an intention,  of social-environmental or cultural projects and inspiring people whose message can impact the world. We want to use art as a way of connecting deeply and sharing meaningful messages, preferably related to philosophical, social, or Ambiental causes.

If you are in collaborating with Doors Around The Globe, creating a mural, organizing an art session, making a video/ documentary about any of these, or recording an episode for our Podcast please contact us.

We will write you back to schedule a video call and arrange the details. We will also ask you to sign a letter of consent of our terms and conditions. Safety and honesty are important for us.

Please send your invitation to [email protected] đź “ with:

  1. Intention
  2. Date, time, place
  3. Details about you, your project, institution, etc…with a link to your personal page, social media, or work.
  4. Your name
  5. Where are you based
  6. What kind of work do you do
  7. Link to a site with your work
  8. Your proposal with details
  9. The intention behind the door you would like to paint together
  10. Or the motivation behind organizing an art session together with a specific cause.



Doors Around The Globe is a highly altruistic project. We focus on creating wonderful experiences that can impact the world and open opportunities for social, cultural, or environmental causes and people. Only food accommodation should be covered for the time of painting a door together or recording a session. We also suggest a minimum donation to cover the materials used in each encounter. The focus is on connecting with the place and the people that are opening this door. In this way, the writing of the experience and reflections around it can happen. In return for the generosity and invitation gladly we give a push to any individual, initiative, artist, or project that involves Doors Around The Globe by writing about them and sharing their work, page, project, or dreams. By giving more visibility, others can open doors for them.

We are open to collaborating with generous sponsors who share our same mentality to reach projects with low resources who can’t cover the minimum donation. We want to offer the opportunity of uniting through art and making an impact, especially to those who need it the most. We believe that through sharing about their projects on our platform and social media we can give them visibility and open doors for them. We also believe that sharing about the encounters produced while doing an art session, recording a Podcast, or painting a mural can have a huge impact on their lives. This scenario is where the biggest social, environmental or cultural change can be triggered.

We are flexible to create a Serie with you, travel to far away distances with our team, and reach the poorest communities or the most in need where we will dedicate our time and effort to create the space for expansion, dialog, questioning, expression, and creation where life-changing experiences can happen.

If you feel inspired by our mission too and have a project in mind or would like to sponsor any of our initiatives, contact us!



Our two proposals for 2022-2025

1. Tibetan nuns: the door of a woman in Buddhism. A Serie where we give the space for nuns living a monastic life to share about their lives, challenges, experience, and lessons they have experienced while being a nun in Buddhism.

  • Podcast Serie with an inspiring woman who has fought for the rights of women inside of a religious tradition.
  • Documentary
  • Huge mandala on the floor painted with chalk and Buddhist symbols
  • Murals on communal spaces that share the role of women in Buddhism

2. Kids around the world: openings beyond privilege. The opening of children living in contrasting countries when they face art. A Serie that wants to share the differences between children from 3-5 years old in first, second and third world countries when doing art. Focus on the cultural and social differences and the union between them all through reaching deep parts of the psyche through art.

Copyright © 2021 Doors Around the Globe.